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1. BART Information


The BART biodetector is a simple method for testing for the presence/absence of bacteria in water and soil sample. Learn more about the BART, how and where to use them, and detailed helpful information about each test.Read more

2. Deep Ocean Research

iconsPictures and articles about DBI's involment with various deep sea shipwrecks including the Titanic, Bismark, and several wrecks in the Gulf of Mexico including the German WWII U-Boat, the U166. Read more

3. Consulting & Literature


DBI has done an extensive number of 'cutting edge' research and consulting work. For inquires into new or previous consulting work, more information here. A selection of Dr, Cullimore's texts are also listed here.

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Latest news


Standard Methods v.3 and v.4 now available

Follow this link to the Standard Methods v.3 Download page. A comprehensive technical oriented manual. The entire book is available for free download, or you can choose to download only the chapters or sections you like.

Follow this link to the Standard Methods v.4 full Download. A simplified manual written for practical field uses.


ALGE-BART now in Lab Format

A laboratory version for the Algae test is now available in qualntities of 15 or 25 tests. This test is improveved over the traditional Field ALGE-BART; with quicker reaction results and uses an MIP (Microbiologically Interactive Platform). To view the Reaction Chart, please go here.


Website Renovations

PLEASE NOTE: Our Webpage is getting some modifications, we apologize for any missing or broken links. Should you find any, please feel free to let us know.